Saturday, November 13, 2010

October 8 The Day Kaleena tried to kill me.

Just kidding

So we had to be at the temple early, Bill and Kaleena picked me up at 8 AM

We drove to Draper when we go to the temple they placed me on a not so comfy couch where I sat and sat and sat (no the Cat in the Hat didn’t show up!) I got asked if I was waiting for my daughter, I said I would be here for 18 years if I was waiting for my DD.I helped Kaleena in to her temple clothes in the brides room. Then I go to the waiting room with everyone else who was there for the sealing. After a while they call me to to got o the sealing room up these cool back stairs.  I waited in the sealing room alone for like 20 minutes it was soo cool. I looked in the forever mirrors checked out the chandelier enjoyed the sun reflecting every where it was magic. then they brought all the other guests in. I made sure all the ladies had tissues!

When they brought Ka and Bill in I've never seen Ka glow so much before she was radiant.

After the sealing Mom Karla and I went back to the bride's room with ka to help her into her heavy wedding dress for pictures. After about an hour of photo shooting it was off to the luncheon in North Ogden.


It was a potato bar very good.

While there 2 girls Who’s names I won’t post for the world to see but they are both 6 called 911 and told a story about their mom being hurt. We had left before this happened.

After the luncheon I went back to Karla's to iron the little girl dresses and get my girls ready for the reception. On the way I remembered no one had gotten ice cream for root beer floats so I stopped at Wal-Mart to get some.

Got to the ring ceremony and Ka had also sent her dad to get ice cream so we had 10 gallons that got sent home with some friends and Kelly helped to self to one of Deward’s gallons and one of my gallons (his mom doesn’t buy him ice creamSad smile).

During the ring ceremony James had me sit on a broken chair so I ended up on the floor. I hope no one got picts. the ring ceremony was cool they did this sand thing! to see picts I think you have to visit Ka’s blog Here!

the reception is kinda blur I remember making sure things got done so kaleena didn't have to.  The photo booth, a flying monkey some one was shooting around the gym, not me! My nephews playing pass it on the slugging game! Visiting lots of people I haven’t seen for a long time. Being tired. packing Kaleena’s dress and dressing room. And having a nap while everyone else finished cleaning. Then we had to drop some stuff off at Deward’s  and went to Karla's and slept. for pict of the reception and t see it on video in less than 20 seconds yup you guessed it go to Kaleena’s blog! Over there again!!!