Friday, November 12, 2010


So General at the conference center was waaay cool. I told I did some cool thing in October that would make you jealous. When you get tickets to go to a section then you sit any where in that section. We were blessed to get a good section plaza 7. what does that mean? it means we were on the floor just to the left of the podium 11 rows back!! Yeah we were 50 yards away from the prophet. Anyway the stand up hymn was I am a Child of God, it is so awesome to sing lead me guide me while standing that close to the General Authorities. And surrounded by so many people who  helped fill the room with the Spirit. Good choice of birthday gifts Elise. I have no clue what could be a better way to spend your birthday.


Kaleena said...

It was sure nice of someone to plan their wedding when they did just so you could go to conference!